Series on Migration and Humanitarian action

Migration, Refugees and Humanitarian action
Migration is a historical constant for humanity. However, in the coming years, climate change, persistent socio-economic inequalities and conflict will most likely be strong drivers for forced migration and displacement. Therefore, supporting refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs) and other migrants will likely demand a growing effort from humanitarian organizations. At the same time, we witness how the topic of migration is increasingly being politicized, placing humanitarian organizations in the middle of a political battle.
This is why KUNO is organizing a series of events that discuss the current trends in migration and their significance for humanitarian actors. What are the implications of these trends for humanitarian NGOs? How can they adapt to new challenges? And what are the opportunities they should not miss?
About the series
KUNO presents a series of events to discuss current trends in migration and refugee policies. In this series, journalist Bahram Sadeghi will interview a range of prominent speakers to explore opportunities for humanitarian NGOs and discuss how international NGOs can cope with migration-related challenges. Co-hosts of Bahram Sadeghi are Anila Noor (New Women Connectors) and Ton Huijzer (independent humanitarian consultant).
19 April, 2022: Refugee Rights Violations in Europe, with Thomas Spijkerboer (Professor of Migration Law at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
24 June, 2022: The Political Challenge of Migration, with Tineke Strik (Member of European Parliament and advocate for refugee rights)
12 September, 2022: Global Trends in Migration, with Leo Lucassen (Professor of History at Leiden University and director of the Institute for Social History). Read an article about this here.
March, 2023: Climate Change and Refugees, guest to be announced