Meet Corinne; KUNO's new coordinator

Can you share something about yourself?
Oof… Where to start? How about with the things that are not work-related. I’m Corinne, 43 years old, and I live with my partner in Amsterdam, along with our cat. I love watching birds—it’s one of my favorite things in the world. I think we often underestimate the treasures we have right outside in the streets. It’s amazing to notice that, whenever I’m outside, there’s an entirely different dimension to the world. I love going for walks, so it’s the perfect combination.
Additionally, I grow food on my roof in large containers, and I enjoy learning about the ecosystem. Finally, I read a lot; I’m part of three book clubs. Usually, I read fiction or science fiction, and I love discussing what we’re reading to hear others’ perspectives.
I’ve lived and worked in different places around the world, and I’m internationally oriented. This has been a consistent thread throughout my professional background. I studied Development Studies and then transitioned into WOTRO Science for Global Development, a department of the Dutch science funding organization. There, I coordinated programs focused on food security, security and rule of law, and conflicts related to climate change policies. All the research was based on knowledge co-creation, which I truly believe in. It helps to understand how problems work and what can be done to address them. We worked very closely with research and practitioner organizations in the Global South, something I really enjoyed.
At some point, I felt it was time for a new challenge. I found one at the Centre for Unusual Collaborations (CUCo), which is part of an alliance of Dutch knowledge institutes. CUCo funds young academics to work across disciplines and knowledge fields. What was great about it was the freedom: “Find each other, discover what you want to explore, and study it together.” The research that emerged didn’t come from a predefined idea; it developed organically over time. Additionally, CUCo offers training and coaching to support the collaborative process. CUCo and I were also committed to changing the academic culture, which is often highly competitive. This competition can make it difficult for academics to form genuine connections, something that does happen at the Centre for Unusual Collaborations.
I had a great time building up and leading CUCo for four years, but I started to miss the more-than-Western international focus. I longed to return to development or humanitarian issues—this is truly where my heart lies, and it’s what I deeply care about.
What is your expectation for KUNO in the coming years?
The platform is in a very good state right now. There is a lot of work going on that proves to be very relevant to the members: the gatherings around specific crises and disasters, as well as the training sessions. And the events more broadly focused on the way the humanitarian field works. We have a task to keep up the good work, and I think we can perhaps sharpen a bit what KUNO is doing. It is incredible to see how much has happened in the recent period, so a big applause to the team. But these are turbulent times, so what I am expecting for KUNO is that we offer a place where the members find a way to make sense of and reflect on what that means and how to move forward. So that the field is not only on the defensive but also has space to think about what it really wants to be, become, and achieve. KUNO can support reflection on what the vision for the field is, so that it might get a better idea of what will need to happen in the future.
What I am expecting for KUNO is that we offer a place where the members find a way to make sense of and reflect on what that means and how to move forward.
What can KUNO offer the sector in this fast changing world?
A space where sensemaking happens. Where reflection happens. Very key for KUNO is that it is driven by its members. As a platform, we facilitate so that needs are met. What is it that members want to share knowledge about, and what is needed to bring key issues forward in collaboration? It is beyond sharing knowledge; it is also about deepening knowledge. If we can collectively better understand what is happening, it might support deciding what the field’s position is.
What are the aspects in the work that you are looking forward to?
I am really looking forward to engaging with a group of people that is so committed and engaged in the work that they do and who are keen to do it together. It seems that there is not so much competition. I am sure that it also happens, but the people involved in KUNO are very eager to engage with each other; there is a willingness and longing for collaboration.
And what do you see as your biggest challenge?
People are very much driven – very understandably – by the present moment. There is always something more urgent than sharing and deepening knowledge. If KUNO offers activities that the professionals need, we hope and expect them to show up. But that will continue to be a struggle.
Is there someone that inspires you to do this work?
KUNO does things that matter for a field that works every day to save lives and offer dignity to people in crisis. From a very humble position, I am glad to contribute something to work that is so important and meaningful.
From a very humble position, I am glad to contribute something to work that is so important and meaningful.
How was your first day?
It was great. I felt very welcome, and people were very open. It was nice to sit down with the team. In different constellations, I had eight hours of conversations, so my head was very full. But when I left the office, I felt really grateful for this new role.
More about Corinne
Read more about Corinne here.