"Violence needs to be imagined in order to be carried out." –Schröder & Schmidt

About me

I am a rural development sociologist, specialised in conflict and peacebuilding in developing countries. After my graduation at Wageningen University in 1999, I worked as a researcher at Clingendael, and with various NGOs in Kenya, Sudan, Guatemala and Bolivia. My PhD research at Wageningen Disaster Studies (2004-2008) concerned discourses and practices of civil society peacebuilding and their international support, with fieldwork in a.o. Burundi and Guatemala. Since 2009, I work at the Radboud University. My research work focuses on land disputes and post-conflict land reform; climate change, natural resources and conflict; civil society and local peacebuilding; local state- and non-state governance and state formation; and the discourses and practices of intervening organizations regarding conflict and peace. Many of my research projects are interactive in nature, and challenge policy makers and practitioners from development organizations to critically reflect on their own work and on the implications of research findings for policy and intervention.


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