About me
I am an expert in humanitarian and disaster response, specializing in human behavior in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, instructional risk communication, and humanitarian intervention. At the ISGA, I teach courses on disaster management, including the “case study fukushima” and “humanitarian response to disaster and emergencies”. I have a strong international experience in humanitarian missions and exercises. I am currently the data manager of the UKMed, a humanitarian medical NGO providing aid in conflict and disasters. In 2013, I was a member of the International Relief Mission after the Haiyan Typhoon in the Philippines as part of the Italian team. As a consultant, I work with the WHO Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) initiative as a mentor and contributing to several technical working groups (e.g., Knowledge and Information Management).
In 2023, I co-authored the “INSARAG 2023 Türkiye and Syria Earthquakes: After Action Review”. My ongoing research focuses humanitarian response and Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs), with particular emphasis on technology application in humanitarian settings, patient flow management in field hospital, and medical data collection with reference to the WHO EMT MDS. Additionally, I co-leads the NWO starter project “Securing Humanitarian Operations: Preparedness and Response to Cyber Crises in Aid Delivery” alongside Dr. Cristina del Real. I am one of the associate editors for the Journal of Contingency and Crisis Management (JCCM).
- After Action Review. 2023 Türkiye and Syria Earthquakes: A Comprehensive Report of INSARAG’s Largest International Search and Rescue Operation
- Bartolucci, A., Aquilino, M. C., Bril, L., Duncan, J., & van Steen, T. (2023). Effectiveness of audience segmentation in instructional risk communication: a systematic literature review. International journal of disaster risk reduction, 95, 103872.
- Bartolucci, A., & Magni, M. (2023). Spontaneous hospitalization in the immediate aftermath of the Manchester arena bombing. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 31(4), 627-634.
- Hossain, A., Bartolucci, A., & Hirani, S. A. A. (2023). Conflicts and humanitarian crises on displaced people’s health. Frontiers in public health, 11, 1234576.
- Bartolucci, A., Marconi, M., Magni, M., Pierdicca, R., Malandra, F., Ho, T. C., … & Urbinati, C. (2022). Combining participatory mapping and geospatial analysis techniques to assess wildfire risk in rural North Vietnam. Environmental Management, 69(3), 466-479.
- Bartolucci, A., Templeton, A., & Bernardini, G. (2022). How distant? An experimental analysis of students’ COVID-19 exposure and physical distancing in university buildings. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 70, 102752.
- Bartolucci, A., & Lüders, A. (2022). Alone in the disaster? The independent nature of behavioral instructions for evacuation. Journal of Community Psychology, 50(5), 2072-2089.
- Dark, P., Smith, M., Ziman, H., Carley, S., & Lecky, F. (2021). Healthcare system impacts of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing: evidence from a national trauma registry patient case series and hospital performance data. Emergency medicine journal, 38(10), 746-755.
- Bartolucci, A., Casareale, C., & Drury, J. (2021). Cooperative and competitive behavior among passengers during the Costa Concordia disaster. Safety science, 134, 105055.
- Bartolucci, A., Mackway-Jones, K., & Redmond, A. D. (2021). Decision support framework for deployment of emergency medical teams after earthquakes. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 15(6), 727-734.
- Bartolucci, A., Walter, D., & Redmond, T. (2019). Comparative review on the cost-effectiveness analysis of relief teams’ deployment to sudden-onset disasters. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 34(4), 415-421.
- Casareale, C., Bernardini, G., Bartolucci, A., Marincioni, F., & D’Orazio, M. (2017, December). Cruise ships like buildings: Wayfinding solutions to improve emergency evacuation. In Building Simulation (Vol. 10, pp. 989-1003). Tsinghua University Press.
- Bartolucci, A., & Magni, M. (2017). Survivors’ solidarity and attachment in the immediate aftermath of the typhoon Haiyan (Philippines). PLoS currents, 9.
- Bartolucci, A., & Magni, M. (2016). Influence rather than control: A new approach for disaster education in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 19, 112-117.