Knowledge Base type: Critics and next steps

Een debat over misstanden bij hulporganisaties en de aanscherping van procedures en subsidiekaders

DUTCH ONLY: Debate in the Dutch House of Representatives about SEA in the aid sector. It focuses on the tightening of procedures and subsidy frameworks.

Bijeenkomst voor ontwikkelingsorganisaties en Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken over seksueel overschrijdend gedrag (MinBuZa, 6 maart)

DUTCH ONLY: Short notes that describe the discussion on the Netherlands has reponded to the Oxfam scandal in Haiti. They discuss how to reclaim funds, how to improve integrity, how humanitarian aid is delivered in the world, the presence of an ombudsman and the fact that abuse was reported but nothing was done with it.

The Humanitarian #MeToo moment

“Notes and video from the IRIN Debate on 22 March, 2018. The aim of the debate is to move beyond media headlines adn policy-making to talk about a way forward.
• Avril Benoit, Director of Communications and Fundraising, Médecins Sans Frontières
• Hannah Clare, Global PSEA Adviser, Norwegian Refugee Council
• Jeremy Konyndyk, Former Director of the United States Agency for International Development, Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
• Amira Malik Miller, Swedish civil servant and former aid worker
• Fionna Smyth, Head of Humanitarian Policy and Campaigns, Oxfam GB
Moderator: Heba Aly, Director, IRIN News”

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations: Improving victims’ access to reparation, support and assistance.

This is a report about the widespread and enduring problem of sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers and other personnel associated with peace operations. The focus of the report is directed at answering one question: ‘what happens to the victims?’, by analyzing the various steps to address victims’ rights and needs that have been taken or are being contemplated by various organizations.

Governing sexual behaviour through humanitarian codes of conduct

Sexual Harassment, abuse and exploitation in the aid sector – Progress Report

In June 2018, a group of female aid workers decided to test the progress of the implementation of reforms in the aid sector. The results show that little has been achieved in the first half of 2018 to improve the ways in which the sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse of women and girls by aid workers is handled and what has been done has been at a very surface level.

Sexual exploitation and abuse in the aid sector

This is a report that goes beyond a desciption of new measures and models to address SEA in humanitarian organisations. It argues that a failure to listen to and consider the needs of victims and survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse will engender a response that is not only ineffective, but potentially harmful. They call for ensuring ensure that systems and protections are working in practice, and not just at the policy level.