Update on Ukraine
“We have nowhere to go, but there are some friends who also came to Romania, and we want to find each other and to be closer”, says Olga, who fled Ukraine with her two children – Timor, who is almost 3 years old, and Vladimir, who is 7 years old.
you can read a summary report of the Ukraine update here.
Russian forces invaded Ukraine almost two weeks ago. This causes human suffering at an enormous scale, such as the growing number of refugees and IDPs. Where are the needs the highest? How do local partners and volunteers cope? How to access those in need? What about neutrality?
Join the humanitarian update facilitated by KUNO with humanitarian colleagues that visited very recently or are visiting the region now. There will be plenty of space to ask questions!
= Hielke Zantema, Disaster Response Officer at ZOA – visiting Ukraine at the moment
= Benoit de Gryse, Head of Programma od Stichting Vluchteling, and/or colleagues Samantha Melis and Dorien Boxhoorn, who returned recently from a visit to Poland and Moldavia.
= Other speakers to follow.
Facilitated by Peter Heintze from KUNO.

Pictures - Unicef