
The perspective of Local Actors on the Grand Bargain - Annual Meeting

On 25 June 2020 the signatories of the Grand Bargain met (online) to discuss the proceedings over the last year, and needed next steps for the near future. Important issues, indeed. Donor organisations and International NGOs could reflect on the developments, identify gaps and decide on the ways forward. Only one representative of local/ national actors could make a statement, so any substantial inputs from local and national organisation was missing especially when it came to discussion on localisation. There was a lot of “talk about them without them”.

A4EP (Alliance 4 Empowering Partners) and KUNO (Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange) organize this webinar to provide space for hearing of southern perspectives on the Grand Bargain: the proceedings and the needed next steps for the future. It will bring together voices from different regions to provide their perspectives. In some countries, there has been GB missions in the past, they can also share information on progress made in the last year from their perspective and what actions are necessary to move things forward and contribute to what should be the shape of the future of the Grand Bargain.

We will present perspectives from Africa, Asia, MENA and Latin America (the names of our speakers will follow soon). The introductions will be followed by an online discussion on results, challenges and opportunities. Attendees will be asked to participate actively via the Chatbox and to share their questions in advance via email.

Please join our online discussion and register on the left. You will then receive a Zoom-link via e-mail.


  • Barkat Ullah Maruf, Joint Director in COAST, Bangladesh
  • Fatima Imam, Founder Executive Director Rehabilitation Empowerment and better Health Initiative (REBHI), Nigeria
  • Gum Sha Awng, Executive Director Metta Foundation, Myanmar
  • Hero Anwar, Program Director at REACH Iraq
  • Sudhanshu S. Singh, CEO Humanitarian Aid International, India

Moderated by Smruti Patel (A4EP) & Peter Heintze (KUNO)

(Re-)watch the webinar here!

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