Sphere Workshop

Sphere defines, promotes and applies humanitarian principles and minimum standards in four life-saving areas: water, sanitation and hygiene promotion; food security and nutrition; shelter and settlement; and health. Sphere’s flagship publication, the Sphere Handbook (https://handbook.spherestandards.org/en), is one of the most widely known and internationally recognised sets of common principles and universal minimum standards in humanitarian response. Source: https://www.spherestandards.org/about/
The workshop is meant for anyone working in the HUMANitarian field. It is designed to offer growth of the attitude, skills and knowledge of the participants. A certificate of completion will be provided upon the successful completion of the training program.
In this one-day interactive workshop you will get your Introduction to the Sphere handbook.
By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
- Use the Sphere handbook in your daily humanitarian work.
- Identify the importance of the people-centered and rights-based approach.
- Explore the qualitative nature of Sphere’s Minimum Standards.
- Identify Sphere companion standards.
- Use the technical chapters of the Sphere handbook.
- Identify how the foundations chapters (the Humanitarian Charter, the Protection Principles and the Core Humanitarian Standard –currently under revision) will compliment your work.
*Lunch and two coffee breaks will be provided.
*Costs: KUNO – members €100, non-members: €250
The workshop will be conducted by Axel Schmidt, ASB’s Emergency Response and Training Coordinator, Sphere Trainer since 2012 and co-Focal Point Germany (https://www.spherestandards.org/training/tr-info/axel-schmidt/). Axel is a Social anthropologist and nurse with seven years of experience in managing humanitarian response in various contexts in Indonesia, South Sudan, Pakistan, Haiti, Tunisia, Liberia, Sudan and Iraq for a wide range of INGOs.
To sign up for this training: please send an email to: kuno@kuno-platform.nl