Expert meeting
Master Class: Humanitarian Ethics in Daily Practice
Humanitarian aid must be provided according to specific standards and with the aim of alleviating human suffering. At the same time, humanitarian workers are confronted with dangerous environments, multiple actors, and ethical challenges, in which their own moral compass is tested. How can we deal with those sudden moral tensions? KUNO and the Netherlands Red Cross organised a Master Class Humanitarian Ethics in Daily Practice with Hugo Slim for senior humanitarian professionals and senior management.
In the end of January, Hugo Slim joined us for a discussion on humanitarian ethics. After a short introduction to Humanitarian Ethics, Slim discussed several ethical dilemmas brought forward by the participants and representing complicated ethical cases from their own experiences or working practices.
Read the report of this event here.
Hugo Slim has a distinguished record as humanitarian professional and researcher. He is the author of the book: Humanitarian Ethics. A Guide to the Morality of Aid in War and Disaster (2015). Nowadays, Hugo Slim is Head of Policy and Humanitarian Diplomacy at the International Committee of the Red Cross.