Expert meeting

Local Leadership and the Case of the Climate Crisis in Somalia

Four leaders of national NGOs from Somalia visited the Netherlands. During this meeting they elaborated on the effects of inequalities in the aid system, unequal risk sharing, and power imbalances. A central question in this discussion was 'How do limits to local leadership undermine effective humanitarian responses to the climate crisis in Somalia?'.

The speakers at this event were:

  • Ms. Nasra A. Ismail, Director of the Somalia NGO Consortium, a network of NGOs working together to improve international aid coordination and raise the presence and profile of NGO representation within the aid coordination structure for Somalia.
  • Mr. Abdirizak Bashir Libah, Director of Candlelight for Environment, Education and Health & national representative on the Somalia Humanitarian Country Team.
  • Ms. Nefisa Yusuf Mohamed, Director of NAGAAD, a nationwide network of 45 women organizations in Somaliland.
  • Mr. Omar Jama Farah, Founder and Director of Taakulo, a Somali humanitarian and development NGO

You can find the report of the meeting here.

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