
KUNO Covid-Café: How about COVID-19 in ... Zimbabwe

KUNO presents a new series of Covid-Café’s on specific countries: Afghanistan, Colombia, and Zimbabwe. What are the specific challenges in these countries? What innovative solutions did humanitarians develop? How do local civil society organizations and international NGOs cope?

ICCO & KUNO invite you to the online Covid-Café #6 on Zimbabwe on Thursday 26 November, 14:00 CET.


Zimbabwe is hampered by an acute food crisis and a government that uses the pandemic to further crack down civil rights (with penalties up to 20 years prison for providing ‘false’ info). How does Corona affect a society that is already suffering from social economic hardship (with inflation rates over 800 percent) and human rights under pressure?


  • Elizabeth Kovandzhiyski, Programme Officer for South Africa and Zimbabwe, ICCO.
  • Maria Tendai Dendere, Director Humanitarian and Development Services, Zimbabwe Council of Churches.
  • Kuitakwashe Nhongo, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist, Zimbabwe Council of Churches.

The Covid-Café on Zimbabwe will be co-hosted by ICCO and KUNO.

In the rather informal setting of the Covid-Café’s, we discuss challenges and opportunities. We invite participants to come forward with their questions and remarks. We seek to learn from the experience of humanitarians in different parts of the world. And we certainly hope to meet you in the next Covid-Café.


  • Afghanistan: Tuesday 3 November (13:00 CET) – presented by KUNO and Cordaid.
  • Colombia: Thursday 12 November (15:00 CET) – presented by KUNO and ZOA.
  • Zimbabwe: Thursday 26 November (14:00 CET) – presented by KUNO and ICCO.

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