
Knowing Food Crises

How do humanitarian professionals and journalists deal with uncertainties in understanding and beating of food crises? How can local actors get more involved in truth-finding and what alternatives and new technologies are available? A debate on truth-finding and imaging in humanitarian crises with humanitarian professionals, journalists and academics.

The panel members of the debate were:
• Marinus Verweij, CEO of ICCO/Kerk in Actie and currently the lead of the SHO (Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties/Giro 555);
• Saskia van der Kam, nutrition specialist at Artsen Zonder Grenzen (MSF Holland);
• Arjan Hehenkamp, former director of Artsen Zonder Grenzen (MSF Holland);
• Bram Jansen, lecturer at Wageningen University and Research Centre

Furthermore: a column by Bram Posthumus, freelance journalist in West-Africa.

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