
The Grand Bargain & Humanitarian Challenges and Chances

Update on the Global Humanitarian Assistance
Update on GB Annual Meeting
Debate on our role and the necessary step forwards

At the Annual Meeting of the Grand Bargain (June 18), during the ECOSOC in New York, Development Initiatives published its new Global Humanitarian Assistance Report. Furthermore the current positions on all commitments of the Grand Bargain have been discussed intensively with relevant global actors.

PHA and KUNO held a constructive debate on the global humanitarian trends and modern humanitarian challenges and chances for both the Dutch government and other Dutch humanitarian actors.


Presentations by:

= Chris Degnan, Development Initiatives, co-author of the GHA-report

= Björn Hofmann, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dutch representative at the Annual Meeting


Statements by:

= Hero Anwar Birzw, program director REACH, Iraqi representative at the Annual Meeting (tbc)

= prof. Thea Hilhorst, prof. Humanitarian Aid Institute of Social Studies / Erasmus University

= Evert van Bodegom, Coordinator Disaster Management Team ICCO – Kerk in Actie

This presentation is an initiative of PHA (the Platform for Humanitarian Action) and KUNO (Platform for Humanitarian Knowledge Exchange in the Netherlands).

For the full GHA report, please use the following link:

For the Netherlands self-report use:

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