
The Future of iNGOs in 2030


Michael Maietta, Thea Hilhorst and KUNO offer an inspiring day filled with discussions between doers and cross thinkers, realists and optimists. A day with relevant insights and practical solutions.

“We are not living in an era of change, but in a change of era.” Changes in the world seem to occur in an ever higher speed. This has consequences, especially for organizations that operate on a global scale and at the same time want to make a difference on a local level.

How can I prepare my organization for a long-term future?

This is the question that Michel Maietta (Strategy Director IARAN, Senior Research Fellow IRIS) raises in “the Future of iNGOs in 2030”. In this book, Maietta offers a concrete method that (i)NGOs can use to prepare their organization for the future. This method is based on four carefully substantiated scenarios and is related to multiple archetypes of humanitarian organizations (from strictly Dunantic to Double Mandated).

KUNO organized, especially for directors, high management officials and senior employees from the humanitarian sector, a one-day working session in which Michel Maietta and Thea Hilhorst discussed the different scenarios and show how organizations can (and should?) prepare for future possibilities.

Click here to read the full report. 

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