
Dutch Relief Aliance workshop on Grand Bargain commitments

Towards an interlinked approach

Kas Muijres, 7 November 2017

The Grand Bargain is an agreement between donors and aid providers on how to get aid to the people who need it in a qualitative and efficient way. KUNO aims to facilitate learning on the Grand Bargain commitments for the Dutch Humanitarian sector. Therefore, KUNO, in cooperation with the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA), facilitated a workshop to identify the interlinkages between the various Grand Bargain commitments and to think about how to integrate these into proposal and project design for members of the DRA.

During this workshop, Geoff Andrews, Director of Disaster Response ZOA and Chair of the DRA, gave an introduction to the DRA commitment to the Grand Bargain. Then, Jeremy Rempel, Coordinator of Less Paper, More Aid ICVA, explained how the interlinkages between Grand Bargain commitments are discussed at UN level. The field perspective on Grand Bargain commitments was represented through presentations by: Heleen Berends, Syria/ Jordan Joint Response; Lina Alsafi, Yemen Joint Response; Fatma Wakil, Somaliland Joint Response; Johnson Lafortune, Central African Republic Joint Response; Anton van Wijk, Ukraine Joint Response; Kees Jan Hooglander, Syria Joint Response; Martine Bergwerff, South Sudan Joint Response; and Sam de Greve, Nigeria Joint Response. Attendees of the workshop discussed the possible interlinkages between the Grand Bargain commitments on Localization, Cash Based programming, Transparency and Joint Needs assessment. Closing remarks at the end of the workshop were made by: Christine Pirenne from the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jeremy Rempel, ICVA, and Geoff Andrews, ZOA.

For more information about the workshop discussions, click here to read the report. For more information about the Grand Bargain, visit this website.



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