
Power Awareness Tool

A tool for analysing power in partnerships for development. ‘The Power Awareness Tool’ is published by The Spindle, the innovation platform of Partos.

Relationships between international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) and local NGOs are characterised by power imbalances. There are several compelling reasons why these imbalances are undesirable and need to be addressed. This document presents a tool that has been designed to make power imbalances more visible, enabling partners to analyse and reflect on power relations. The assumption is that if partners have a better understanding of the way power works in the partnership, they will be in a better position to work towards shifting power in accordance with their shared principles.

The paper consists of two parts. Firstly, it is considered why power imbalances matter and how power operates in relationships between INGOs and local NGOs. This is followed by the tool itself and the guidelines for its practical application.

Power Awareness Tool